Preserving the blue by honoring the green.

Product design

  • Modular design

    When designing boats, incorporating modular components that can be utilized across various models proves to be highly advantageous. This modular design strategy enables the seamless interchangeability of different parts, meaning that components can be easily replaced or upgraded as needed. This not only facilitates maintenance but also extends the overall lifespan of the boat. By standardizing these components, we can streamline production and maintenance processes, ensuring that boats remain functional and up-to-date with minimal effort. This approach also offers boat owners the flexibility to customize and enhance their vessels over time, adapting to new technologies or personal preferences without the need for a complete overhaul.

  • Lightweight design

    We focus on creating lightweight and streamlined designs that improve fuel efficiency and minimize emissions throughout the operation of the boat. By incorporating advanced materials and novel engineering techniques, these designs aim to significantly reduce the overall weight and hydrodynamic drag of the vessel, leading to improved performance and a smaller environmental footprint. This approach not only optimizes fuel consumption but also supports sustainable boating practices by decreasing harmful emissions released into the atmosphere.

  • Hydrodynamic hulls

    By prioritizing the optimization of hull design, we guarantee that our boats achieve planning speeds more quickly than the majority of our competitors, significantly reducing fuel consumption and emissions. As a result, our boats are not only faster and more efficient but also more environmentally friendly. Our design approach balances speed and seakeeping abilities, ensuring a smoother and more stable ride for our vessels in various sea conditions.

  • Longevity

    We craft timeless, trans-generational products that endure for generations and dedicate ourselves to using only the finest materials available. This meticulous selection ensures that our boats achieve unparalleled longevity, standing the test of time and maintaining their excellence through the years.

  • In-house design principles

    By handling all design processes internally, we have a complete understanding of the manufacturing techniques involved, allowing us to thoroughly analyze and manage the waste generated during the creation of each component. This approach allows us to optimize our production methods to minimize inefficiencies, unnecessary waste and environmental impact.

Manufacturing process

  • Efficient material use

    We use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools, to create precise cutting patterns and layouts that maximize material usage, thereby minimizing excess and leftover material. This approach not only enhances construction efficiencies but also promotes cost savings and sustainability by reducing the amount of raw materials required and minimizing waste disposal needs.

  • Closed loop systems

    We implement closed-loop systems that enable the recycling and reuse of materials within the production process. This approach allows leftover materials from other processes to be reintroduced into the manufacturing cycle, minimizing the need for new raw materials and reducing environmental impact.

  • Lean manufacturing

    By streamlining operations, reducing excess inventory, and optimizing resource utilization, lean manufacturing not only enhances productivity but also has significant environmental benefits. We consume fewer raw materials, energy, and water, and generate less waste and emissions. We constantly strive to create a more sustainable manufacturing ecosystem, ultimately reducing the environmental footprint of our industrial activities.

Operational practices & waste management

  • ISO 14001:2015

    We are proud to be ISO 14001:2015 certified. This specific Environmental Management System provides us with a structured framework to identify, manage, and mitigate environmental risks and impacts associated with our operations. By adhering to this standard, we demonstrate our commitment to sustainability, regulatory compliance, and continuous improvement in environmental performance.

  • Reuse & Recycling

    We reuse leftover materials whithin the company wherever possible and strive to find innovative and creative ways to give materials a new purpose. The majority of the materials that cannot be reused are recycled. We have setup comprehensive recycling programs for scrap materials and are proud to have managed to minimize our waste.

  • Employee training

    We emphasize sustainable practices and the importance of waste reduction when training our employees. We have created a team of employees that understands and shares our vision of efficient and sustainable boatbuilding.

  • Sustainable transportation

    We provide public transportation passes for any of our employees that can use them. All remaining employees and the management team carpool to the shipyard in order to minimize our company’s CO2 emissions.